About Counselling

You are not alone. There are many reasons why people seek counselling, and often it can be a combination of things that make someone feel overwhelmed. Do you recognise any of the following feelings? These are some of the reasons why people need help.




Anxiety is when you feel worry, fear, or unease – or a combination of all three. In small doses, it is a good thing - it warns us of potential threat, and is connected to the ‘fight or flight’ response we experience when threatened. Therefore, we feel anxious whenever a stressful situation occurs - taking exams, starting a new job, or moving home for example.  

So being anxious, worried, or nervous is a normal experience.  But some of us are affected more than others, and when these feelings are strong or a constant part of your life, they can become overwhelming, with no apparent way to make them stop.



Along the journey we all lose people through death, and grief is an important part of our lives. That does not make it any easier to bear.  Losing someone - a friend, a relative, a pet or an acquaintance - can trigger an emotional response that can send your life spiralling downwards.  Whoever you lose, there will be change and uncertainty to add to the emptiness you feel.

Experiencing and coping with the death of someone very close or important to you can be a huge adjustment - your beliefs, your personality and even your sense of reality can change. Bereavement is the time we spend adjusting to this loss – but we never know how long this feeling will last.  There is no right or wrong way to behave, which is confusing and unsettling.  Grief can manifest itself in many ways, and no two people will react in the same way.  Some experience denial; some anger and pain; and some people withdraw into themselves or become completely numb.

Counselling helps during these difficult times by allowing you to talk about the loss to someone who cares, but is impartial.  Talking, and allowing your mind to think in different ways, allows you to adjust to change and acknowledge your loss.  In this way, you can accept the situation, and move onto a state of acceptance.



In some ways, depression is easy to define - a low mood for a long period of time. But depression is very different from feeling sad.  Being depressed constantly affects your daily life, as you cannot find joy in anything you do. Some days you feel able to hide it and carry out normal daily tasks, but some days it feels impossible to get out of bed. Living with depression can be difficult, not only for sufferers but also for those around them. Despite this, many people wait a long time before seeking help, hoping they may just feel better. They fear it will make them seem ridiculous or out of control. Seeking help early is important!


problems within relationships

Relationships are a huge part of our lives, and can of course bring us a great deal of happiness and fulfilment. Supportive relationships need work from both sides - they require good social skills and a great deal of time and energy to stay strong over time. If the connection breaks down, both sides can feel lonely, disappointed, and unsure of what to do.

In many cases, relationships do not fulfil the expectations that we have and this can impact our happiness and life satisfaction. On the other hand, some people may crave close friendships, romantic relationships, or a wider social group but find them very difficult to come by. Whatever the issue relationship counselling can help. In a neutral setting, I will work with couples or individuals to explore their wants and needs, while offering support to help them get their relationship(s) back on track.